18 May 2011

Life in a castle

Hey guys, as Wioletta already mentioned, we were in Cologne last weekend. And to keep it short: it was brilliant!! We had a lot of fun, bought a lot for about 875€ which we spent in 88 minutes (oh yes 90minutes were the limit and we just managed to spent the money in time), enjoyed our massage and the delicious gourmet dishes and most of all felt somehow like some rich girls.
People stared at us a lot. Not only during the Speedshopping because we ran like hell while we were bound to each other by a bright blue rope (a man also asked us for a photo with him - haha).
But also in the Hotel Schloss Bensberg where usually wealthy adults pass time. We two young girls definitely make a contrast.

Well anyway we wanted to present you some pictures we took on the ground of Schloss Bensberg. (The most beautiful place I ever spent a night in)

Model: Wioletta
Photo: Anh
Fashion: dress by ZARA
Location: by the window of our hotel room

Model: Anh
Photo: Wioletta
Fashion: pullover by GinaTricot
Location: a wall of bricks in one of the hotel corridors

Model: Wioletta
Photo: Anh
Fashion: jaket by Peek&Cloppenburg ,tights and t-shirt by GinaTricot, hot pans by H&M, cloth bag by Primark, shoes by TK Maxx
Location: little garden space at Schloss Bensberg

Model: Anh
Photo: Wioletta
Fashion: pullover by GinaTricot, jeans by H&M, shoes by Venturini eleganza
Location: bibliotheca of  Schloss Bensberg

The library is my favorite location. It's full of old books and that's also the way it looks like. You can walk up there to the place I am sitting and it's just sooo amazingly cool!

See you in nearer or remote future ! *twinkle*
